Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Stewart Teaver, Chairman of the Board

Pictured Left to Right:
Front Row: Steve McKibbon, Stewart Teaver, Ron Quinn, Clifton Hastings
Back Row: Wesley Martin, Nancy Norton, Joe Hatfield, Ricky Presley, Tracy Vardeman, Andrew Fuller

Community Development Board

Preston Bowen, Chairman of the Board
Front Row Left to Right: Uriel Arellano, Steve Adams, John Wright, Brian Hughs
Back Row Left to Right:  Gary Funk, Sandy Carter, Emily "Sissy" Lawson, Preston Bowen, Abigail Guzman, Elizabeth Higgins, 

Future Leaders Board

Chairman: Roland Stanley
Assistant Chairman:  Charlie Hawkins
Secretary: Callie Hughs

Back row (left to right):
Scott LeFevre, Steven Pettit, John Baxter, Rachel Funk, Charlie Hawkins, Roland Stanley
Front row (left to right):
Mary Clark, Caroline Nix, Suzanne Cindea, Chase Quinn, Lorena Caudillo Juarez, Brian Hughs, Callie Hughs